Grammar errors.
The #1 cause of all online embarrassments, and I'd be lying if I said it never happened to me, and some of you really know that because you read this blog and know how awful my mistakes are.
Also it took most of my readers several months before someone finally pointed out that the "Ruff" in my title should be "Rough."
Now I could have made a simple change to that title and then acted like it never happened, but I didn't, so now I am going to make up an incredibly motivational story as to why I kept me title "ruff."
That typing error was a mistake, and we make mistakes. It's human nature.
I like my mistakes, because they make me who I am. My mistakes lead me to having this blog, and I am so happy I am here, because this blog has helped me find myself.
You could say all of your ex-boyfriends were a mistake but actually you learned something from everyone of those guys, and if I were you I'd be thankful I ha them in my life.
How many relationships do most people have to go through to find the perfect person? I'll give you the answer, it's not one.
You will have to go through many relationships in your life, and that's how it should be!
Mistakes help you learn things, whether it's which your/'re to use in a sentence, or how to spot the wrong guy, it's a part of life and that is the way it is.
So I will forever keep this Blog Ruff, because I've been through many mistakes, and I want to remember them for my future, to know that I can look back on it and say either "Dude, I was so stupid" or say "I made it out of there, and now I am here."
And you will get there Diamonds.