Now that school has started we find ourselves consumed in pools of stress.
Staying up into the latest hours of the night, hardly keeping our eyes open in first and second period, and declining invitations to sleepover because you are too exhausted to have a late night gossip secession with your friends (Maybe that last one was just me).
I don't know about you, but I count myself lucky if I can get even 6 hours of sleep on a school night.
What teenagers really need is an escape from their lives, not more homework, or the school schedule to change.
We need a day or a moment just to close our eyes and completely forget the huge bricks of stress sitting on our shoulders.
Everyone has their emergency escape route when things get stressful. I like to listen to music, go on a run, or even just read a book of my choice (Sometime I blog too).
And if you're like me, and it's Junior year, the most critical year in your high school career, I suggest you find your outlet fast, because being the stressed girl in your group of friends, won't help you at all.