Saturday, May 24, 2014

Where Did All the RomComs Go?

Just a few weeks ago I had to do what most blonde girls do, dye my roots.

While I waited for the color to set in I read an interesting article in a trashy female magazine. According to the article, Romantic Comedy films and Romance films are a dying breed, and I couldn't agree more!

The statistics show that five to ten years ago the summer films would be pouring with romance movies, but now the theaters might only be showing two or three at a time.

This ties in with a conversation I had with one of my classes the other day, we discussed the sudden public interest with super hero and action movies. We tried to reason that a lot of people might want to look up to these super heroes, but the most likely reason is just for entertainment.

Honestly? I think superhero-action-packed films are simply more realistic then a Romantic Comedy. Captain America is frozen for 70 years? Believable. Thor is a god and randomly appears during thunderstorms? I'll buy it. But some guy shows up at a girl's window with flowers and a boom-box? Hell no!

I think we are raising a generation of completely different women, and that is why we suddenly would rather watch The Avengers on a Saturday night than some Bridget Jones Diary.


Because we are so sick of waiting for the Prince Charming to rescue us in our real-life Romcom. We have more important things to do with our lives than wait around for some guy to spontaneously fall in love with our flaws. So why not incorporate that in the films?

Why not start writing about kick-ass women who take their lives into their own hands and don't let some man control all of their thoughts?

Friday, May 16, 2014

Great Expectations

It's common knowledge that great expectations lead to even greater disappointments.

You've been there before. You get all worked-up about an event, a relationship, or a vacation; you imagine all the possible outcomes that are all in your favor.

And somehow you wind up less than impressed with what really happens...

My advice? Leave your expectations at the door when you walk in.

I know a lot of girls who had insane expectations for prom. They wanted to have the best dress, the cutest date, and the highest heels, but didn't get all of it in the end. Which led to a ton of complaints about the night, and if you ask me that's a big waste of money.

I walked into my Junior Prom with the only expectation to have fun, and I ended up having the best night of my entire life, with absolutely no drama. I had an amazing dinner with my friends, I got to party on the dance floor for three straight hours, and another girl was wearing my dress- and I complimented her on her great taste! Also, a little hint about prom, you don't need a date to have a good time.

So Diamonds, it's good to set high expectations, but don't let them get in your way of having a good time. Because years from now you're going to want to look back on this time in your life with fond memories not a constant list of grievances.

“If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed.” 
― Sylvia PlathThe Bell Jar

“Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.” 
― Margaret Mitchell

“Whatever it is you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting.” 
― Haruki Murakami

“When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” 
― Donald MillerA Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life

Friday, May 2, 2014

Prama, Prama, Prama!

Maybe you've seen an extensive numbers of instragrams with the caption "Praaam 2k14 #promposal ;)" and that is because the season is upon us once again.

Prom Season.

It's the closest a high school girl will ever come to a proposal- a promposal. Girls spend hours looking on instagram and twitter at promposals, there are the typical "I'll go to prom with you when pigs fly", and the streotypical roses and chocolates, but sometimes a boy really goes all out for a girl. he asks her in front of an entire classroom, he surprises her in front of the entire school, he waits for her at an airport, yeah, I've seen some good stuff this year (it also may be that my new favorite hobby is searching #promposal on instagram?).

This season also brings up a lot of stressful questions for girl: What color dress do I want? How should I do my hair? What if it rains? Should I bother shaving my legs? The key is not to worry. Especially if you are only a Junior. Make all of your mistakes Junior year, it's like a dress rehearsal for the big thing. All the mistakes you make in dress rehearsal you won't make in the final performance.

Also, don't feel a pressure to go with a date! Personally, I'd rather go in a group of friends and have a blast than be stuck with an awkward date all night.

Remember Diamonds, it's your Cinderella night. So email your fairy godmother now and schedule a hair appointment. Also you might want to find a dress now because I don't think the mice in your house are that crafty...

Just have fun! and be sure to be that fabulous sparkly diamond you are!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Back to the Future

   Diamonds, I want you to think of the person you were at the beginning of September. What did you think would happen to you this school year? What were the goals you had for yourself? Who were your closest friends? Who was the one girl you couldn't stand? What was your favorite song? Just think about all the things you knew, and everything you wanted to know.

   Now, being the eight-month-older version of yourself I would like you to imagine if you had a time machine and you could go back to visit this person that you were in September. What would you tell them?

   I had this thought a while ago, and I came up with a whole list of things I would tell myself about what happened in the past eight months. I had about twenty-five things I would've told myself  if I had a time machine (one of them was a warning about the weather that we got this winter), but after I looked over the list a couple of times I realized that the majority of the items began with the word  "Don't," and that kind of bothered me.

   I love who I am, and I know that to become the person I am I had to survive every single one of those "don'ts" so that I can be exactly where I am right now. We have to make mistakes, we have to have regrets, we have to hit rock bottom, doing these things are going to happen to us, but it makes us who we are.

   So I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't focus too much energy on the past. Your future is the only thing you have control of.

  And I guess if I did get that time machine, I wouldn't go back to my past self with a list. I would go back and give her a big hug and tell her

                                          "You're going to fuck up. but that's okay."

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I'm sure all of you have been asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Recently I have been feeling like it is a daily question.

Have you ever asked a little child the same question? Children live for this question. They either prepare their answers days in advance or they make it up right on the spot.

Little boys will usually tell you "I want to be a police officer!" or "I want to be a firefighter!" when you ask them why they want to be those things they will usually tell you, "because they save lives!" which is so heart warming. 

From my own personal experience I have found that girls generally give better answers to the question:

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"Well I want to be a horse rider, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, then on the Weekends like Saturday and Sunday I want to be a Ballerina and a Mother, then on Monday Wednesday and Friday I want to be a Veterinarian so I can save animals lives because I love horses."

See? Females have always been way more creative.

Obviously there's a shift between being a little kid and becoming a teenager (yeah, I know, puberty but that's not what I'm talking about here!) I guess we just become exposed to the real world, and the harsh reality of growing up. We can't have three or four jobs every week, and we can't pick a career just to save lives, we have to start thinking about what kind of schooling we'll need, how much money we'll make, if we can afford a place to live on that salary, are we going to have to get another job?

I refuse to fall into that way of thinking. Maybe it's extremely naive of me, but I refuse to think that a high-paying job is the only thing that'll make me happy in this world, and that's what I want to be, I just want to be happy when I grow up.

So maybe I won't become extremely rich and live in a penthouse, maybe I'll spend my life backpacking through Europe and Asia writing a blog about my travels and never make a dime, but I'll be happy and that's all that matters.

Diamonds, go back to being young again. Dream big. Rescue people. Find four different jobs. Just be happy, and if all else fails, marry rich!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

When the Going Gets Tough

Want to know something I've recently realized?

 People give up on relationships too easily.

I want you to think of all of the greatest love stories of all time think of ones from different time periods, think of movies, books, musicals, think of them all.

Alrighty now answer this simple question, if they boy were to give up on the girl when times got hard, would they end up living happily ever after? Allow me to answer that- No.

I know "destiny" is a thing, but if you were truly meant to be with someone you would fight for them. You wouldn't let them walk home alone after they jumped out of your car because you were being a jerk. You wouldn't stop talking to them because they stopped talking to you. You would pick up the phone, and text them making sure they're okay.

Maybe it's just me, but I have never really witnessed, first-hand someone fight for a person they want to be with.

So Diamonds, when a realtionship gets difficult you can call it quits and walk out, but don't ever expect that person to walk back into your life. 

The night time you find someone you care about getting out of your car, don't let them walk home alone. Fight for them.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Young & Reckless

You know whats fun?

Being a teenager.

You know what sucks?

Being a teenager.

Lets be real, this is the time of our lives where we find ourselves. We are constantly making mistakes and hating ourselves for it, but we really shouldn't be.

Your teenage years are the best time to make all your mistakes. You can't make these mistakes in your adult years, because then there are some serious consequences (not that you'll get away with everything now).

Next time you find yourself debating over something and find yourself awake all night questioning all your possibilities just consider the worst case scenario, and if it isn't that bad-then what is stopping you? and there is usually a slim chance that the worst case will even happen. When it comes to consequences I have always asked myself "Will this matter to me in five years?" and 9/10 times it won't, and that's something you should ask yourself when debating about doing something.

Diamonds, stop thinking and just do!

What are you going to tell your grandchildren about if you never schedule that audition, ask that girl to prom, or learn how to ride a motorcycle.

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

Monday, January 20, 2014

Nothing Less Than Butterflies

Since I have become more open minded this year I have been learning a lot of lessons.

And the truth is Diamonds, everyone is a teacher. Even the most unexpected people have the most valuable lessons to teach you.

I know you are sick of me mentioning this show, but I will (once again) make a reference to Sex and the City. Although each of these ladies are polar opposites of each other they are soul mates, and their mistakes only teach me more about what life is and how to get through it. One by one. episode by episode, season by season, these girls lived their lives in the Big Apple, and I watched and absorbed every ounce of it.

Firstly, Samantha taught me that I never have to apologize for who I am.

Miranda taught me to make exceptions to the people who matter most to you.

Charlotte taught me to never give up on my dreams no matter how many times I fail.

And Miss Carrie Bradshaw taught me to never settle for anything less than butterflies, and to never stop looking for the love I deserve.

Yes, it may seem strange that I learned these lessons from characters on TV, but if you're going to be more open minded in life you have to realize that every person will teach you a lesson, even the fictional ones.

“Some people are settling down,
 some people are settling
 and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies."
-Carrie Bradshaw

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Reason to Resolution

Alright Diamonds, time to start all over. I think it's safe to say that we all want to change a little something about ourselves this year, we all has resolutions, and that's what makes New Years fun! It's filled with new chances and opportunities.

Thus I have come up with three very important New Years Resolutions to set myself up for success this year.

1. Blog more: I miss writing everyday and I think this blog will help me get myself back on track.

2. Keep an open mind about everything: I've noticed that everyone has a reason for doing everything, and instead of judging them I should try to understand them.

3. (This ones my favorite) I want to make one person smile everyday. Putting a smile on someones face is possibly the most rewarding thing ever, and I want to make people happy because why not?

Diamonds, don't map out your year step-by-step. Let things take their course, and this year will be great for you, but I do strongly encourage you to pick one thing you would like to improve about yourself and stick with it; maybe you want to be happier, or stronger, or more forgiving. Whatever you decided to do keep a positive attitude, and your year will be fabulous.