People give up on relationships too easily.
I want you to think of all of the greatest love stories of all time think of ones from different time periods, think of movies, books, musicals, think of them all.
Alrighty now answer this simple question, if they boy were to give up on the girl when times got hard, would they end up living happily ever after? Allow me to answer that- No.
I know "destiny" is a thing, but if you were truly meant to be with someone you would fight for them. You wouldn't let them walk home alone after they jumped out of your car because you were being a jerk. You wouldn't stop talking to them because they stopped talking to you. You would pick up the phone, and text them making sure they're okay.
Maybe it's just me, but I have never really witnessed, first-hand someone fight for a person they want to be with.
So Diamonds, when a realtionship gets difficult you can call it quits and walk out, but don't ever expect that person to walk back into your life.
The night time you find someone you care about getting out of your car, don't let them walk home alone. Fight for them.