Tuesday, October 29, 2013

National Best Friends Day

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” 
― Bob Marley

Preach it, Bob Marley.

That's the thing with life, it's unfair. Everyone is going to stab you in the back, everyone is going to lie to you, break your trust, and make you cry.

You are going to meet people who put you in the lowest places, you are going to meet people who will keep you in those low places or push you down even further, but I promise you if you look hard enough there will be people who can bring you out of that dark place.

Those people who take you out of there are the best of friends, whether they stay up all night to text you, sit next to you in a hospital bed, or listen to music with you until you feel better.

Diamonds, I swear to you that your true friend is out there, and to tell you the truth, you might not meet them in high school. You might have to wait a really long time to find someone who will say all of the right things, be there for you, and keep all of your promises.

Until you find them, I suggest family. Stay as close to them as possible, because you will be stuck with them anyways, and they have to help you in your time of need.

But never, ever, settle for anyone who makes you feel less than you are.

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