Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fact vs. Fiction: Do you Research.

I had a post drafted all about how our fears change from when we are little to when we are older. In it I briefly mention that while I was in the second grade I had the biggest fear of a man with a gun. In my draft I wrote about how silly I was to worry about that. But I wasn't and as you are probably, thinking I know I was an idiot for saying something like that.

There probably isn't a person in this world who hasn't heard about the shooting in New Town CT. When I first heard about it I was with my friends walking to Chipotle. One of my friends simply said "did you hear about the shooting in CT?" I hadn't but my other friend had so she simply said "yeah"

Do you want to know why I didn't say anything after that? Why I didn't question what this shooting was about? It's because in the back of my mind I literally thought "Oh it's just another shooting" I regret ever thinking that.

Mass shootings cannot become this social norm for our society.

There were twenty children between the ages of six and seven that died yesterday. My godchild Jackson is close to that age, and if this had ever happened to him I would have probably died.

Now I can go on and on about how devastated I was when I heard the news, or about how this is going to make me rethink our gun laws in America, but I won't.

Today I want to talk to you about the truth.

This story is the most upsetting thing I have heard of in years, maybe even ever, so my question is why are so many people making up other stories to go along with it?

Why did someone write a fake letter that a girl name Ellie supposedly wrote to her father while the gunman was in her classroom? Why was there a viral picture on twitter saying that there were 34 dead, and that the Red Cross would donate money to the families?

Newsflash: The gunman would have not given the children enough time to write letters to their parents. And if you spent anytime watching the news you would know that 27 total people had died, not 34. Also how is the Red Cross suppose to know how many times that photo was shared?

Please do your research before you spread some stupid post. Some people in this world really only want to get famous and have attention, so they will make up crap like this just for likes on a photo, or maybe a hundred new followers.

It sickens mean if you use the death of 20 children to get publicity. You can go straight to Hell.

So on Monday I want all of us to wear Green and White (Which are the schools colors, I did my research) in memory of those heroic teachers that passed and for those innocent faces of little children that did not make it.

There are ways we can help those people, The Red Cross is actually helping, they are setting up therapy stations, and giving food and water to the first responders.  There are many ways you can help if you just choose to do your research.

And if anything on the Internet ever seems questionable, please just don't share it. You can go the extra mile like me and just report it.

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