Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What are Your Hopes and Dreams?

If you know me well than you know that my biggest fear is that when I grow up I will be unhappy.

I always worry that I will end up behind a desk or staying at home everyday watching a bunch of children.

There's nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom, I just know for a fact it's not for me.

I know I have made a post before about how what ever made you happiest as a child probably still makes you just as happy.

But I have an even easier way to figure out what you want to do, so please fill on the banks to these two statements:

"If I could do anything for the rest of my life I would ____"

" I am happiest when I am ___"

Now I know it may seem very silly and probably very obvious but it's just so true.

If I could keep this blog up for the rest of my life I would. I would write to my Diamonds every single day and remind you of all the things you can do.

My dream, as unrealistic as it is, is that one day Seventeen.com would discover my blog and invite me as an intern to spend the summer with them in New York.

I know the reality of that us slim, but if there's one thing I want my diamonds to keep doing its dreaming. I don't ever want you to lose hope.

I've learned that hope is always right around the corner, no matter how far it may seem, it's really just right out of  your reach.

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