Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Love I Found

Well Diamonds my prediction came true.

I had experienced a Manhattan Love Story, but not the one I thought i was going to.

I thought I would fall in love with Manhattan, and I did, but that's not the story that truly sticks out to me in my mind when I think of the amazing trip I took to New York.

The love I discovered in New York wasn't the love I had for New York, but the love New York has for me, and for everyone who lives there.

New York has this acceptance with everyone and anyone who lives there. Everyone has a place to fit in, the business men, the single women, the punk teenagers, the crazy people on the subway, all of them have a place in New York.

My favorite part?

Couples will always hold hands in New York. Even the gay couples. if two men held hands in my neighborhood, I can almost promise you they would get looks. They don't in New York.

Something about that gives me hope.

In the majority of our country Same-Sex couples cannot get marriage licenses. Am I the only one who finds that wrong?

I think anyone should be able to be married, as long as they are in love.

I could go on a rant about how I feel that all love is good, but I'll save that for later this week when the court makes a decision on some of the acts they are being faced with.

Back to New York,

If even the crazies, playing their Native American Flutes on the subway, can find a place in the city, then why can't I?

Why can't a sixteen year old girl with a blog, an expressive wardrobe, and a wild heart find a place in the city?

Well she can.

She might have not exactly found it yet, but she's going to.

And isn't that what most things in life are? Saying to yourself "I'm going there!" Then figuring out all the steps you have to take to get there.

Well Diamonds you can get there, you can get into any college you want, you can start a life in Manhattan, and you can get the supreme court to legalize same-sex marriage  just figure out how, and you'll be there before you know it.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Anyone Can Have A Love Story

Well Diamonds.

This is it.

This is the moment I have been waiting for, for a very long time. Something I have craved and prayed for since last year.

This moment, is Manhattan.

In less than twelve hours I will be on my way to the Big Apple. I will be in Manhattan. Thus beginning my Manhattan Love Story.

"What is a Manhattan Love Story?" You may ask.

Well my little diamond I'll tell you...

I know that the band train has written a song in which the lyrics go "This ain't a threat but I think I'd better warn you- You're going to fall in love if you go to California."

Which is true, I feel in love with San Francisco when I went, it has charm and it's very peaceful, and friendly.

However Manhattan has almost two million people living in it. Just that one island. The entire city has over eight million.

It's quite obvious that every day is an adventure in Manhattan. That's what I'm going to have. A Manhattan adventure.

But the part about the "Love" in my Manhattan Story is going to be remained undecided until I return.

The thing about the Manhattan Love Story, and any other Love story really, is you don't have to fall in love with another person. You could find more love for yourself, a friend, a career, or maybe you will simply fall in love with Manhattan itself.

But the truth is whether you're going to Manhattan for spring break, the beach, an internship, or just staying home, you will be able to find a love story.

The only difference with your love story is the word "Manhattan" won't be stuck in front of it.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's not about you.

Have you ever been in the situation when you see your friends crying?

Have you ever seen anything scarier?

Personally, I have  had my fair share with horror movies and spooks, but I haven't seen anything that worried me more, than watching my friend cry.

Maybe you knew she was already having a bad day, you heard some rumors about her leaving class crying. You saw her tweets about all her mixed emotions.

But at the end of the day when you finally see her, you know all the rumors were true.

And the thing you wouldn't expect it that you don't care what happened. You don't care who did what to her. You just want to make her smile.

The worst part?

She avoids you.

She avoids any kind of contact with you, and you know she is avoiding any sort of help.

You want to be the good person and help her, but you can't help but feel extremely mad at her. Why won't she let me help her? Why is she being such a child about this?

You may never realize this, but you have no right to make those sorts of accusations.

You don't know that entire story. Maybe if you did you would understand, but you might also hear the story and think "Oh please, you are being such a dramatic bitch. get over yourself."

After going through what I went through with Sally's death I consider things that may be a big deal to some people very small, and unimportant. Surgeries, break ups, failing classes all seemed very small and stupid to me.

But it's not about me it's about your friend who is crying her eyes out.

Put your feelings aside for once, and go help her. She needs it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Survivor's Week

Maybe you have noticed recently that you are even more irritable in school.

You have a test and major assignment in every class this week.

The weather is actually getting warmer and you want to go outside at every opportunity.

It's spring time.

And for some of you, including me, it's almost your spring break! The best one week during the school year, the weather is nice and you can do whatever you want for a full week. No peer pressure, no teachers nagging you, no need to wear make up, no worries.

However, most of us still aren't there yet. And it's extremely painful.

Everyday feels like a Friday, even though it's only Tuesday.

Diamonds, I feel you.

We either have amazing plans this upcoming week that we just can't wait for Like the beach, spending time with our friends, parties, maybe you're going to New York City to go see Anderson Live! (oh, wait, that's me!), or maybe you are planning on doing nothing.

Anything you do over spring break is fabulous because it doesn't have to be school.

However lets focus on surviving this week.

How do we do it without completely losing it?

 Easy: Reward yourself for getting through everyday.

You most likely have a test/ quiz in about every single class. I suggest after getting home allowing yourself to take a nap, or just five minutes of doing nothing. listen to a song and close your eyes.

I also suggest not putting off your homework, the sooner you get it done the sooner you can go to bed, and sleep is going to be an issue this week.

Look at some funny memes, and find a reason to smile. I know all this stress sucks, but imagine the rewards you will eventually get. Imagine the shoe closet you will one day own in your gorgeous Pent House. Imagine anything that will keep you going, and please.

Keep moving! The faster you do your homework and go to sleep the faster the day is over and the new day begins! The sooner spring break comes!

The Best Relationship Advice I Could Ever Give

Last night I proposed a question on Twitter,

"Why do people strive for a romantic relationship, when the greatest relationship you'll ever have is with yourself?"

Now I know very well how this may cause some controversy among teenagers who honestly think a relationship is the "make-or-break" of their popularity, or social standing in high school.(First of all let me just remind you that you are in high school, are you really looking to marry anyone at your high school?)

I promise you that no one is judging you because you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I hate when people have a boyfriend or girlfriend for the sake of having one. What do you think that says about yourself? I'll tell you.

Something I have recently realized is that if I were to have many boyfriends, one after the other, none of them actually meaning anything. I would have never actually had a relationship. I've just held hands and kissed a bunch of boys so I don't have to be the only girl who hasn't had her first kiss at the age of 16, but it all didn't really mean anything.

Is that really what it's all about?

Are we all really just scared of being alone forever?

Listen, I know lots of people who still haven't been kissed at the ages of 16 and even 17, but they are only upset about it if they let themselves.

If you can build a relationship with yourself before you build on with someone else then trying to have a boyfriend or girlfriend will be so much easier.

If you are going through boyfriends or girlfriends like tissues during the flu season you need to take a moment and look inwards. There is something in your life that is empty and for some reason you think you can fill that void with a boyfriend or girlfriend, but the truth is it won't fill your gap, and your boyfriend/girlfriend will notice that gap. And they will walk away.

 They'll know that someone who doesn't love themselves won't ever love them.

So Diamonds, here's the deal.

If you think you need a relationship, you are a sorry little thing.

My friend Ana never thought she needed a relationship, and she didn't go looking for one out of desperation, but she ended up finding someone who she really liked, and now they are in the most perfect relationship.

So my advice for you is quit looking. If you have found someone, then great. Just stop looking and wondering, start thinking about yourself, think about what you need.

Because in every relationship you should know that you are the most important.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Am I Worth Saving?

So Diamonds, as you may know I have a very wide taste in music.

I listen to just about anything.

Recently I have been listening to the most recent album by All Time Low "Don't Panic."

It's a fantastic album and I highly recommend it if you like good music.

I usually listen to all songs equally on an album, but one song caught my attention immediately, the first line pulled me in.

"When will the princess figure it out, she ain't worth saving?"

Now at first I laughed at that line thinking about woman running the world, and us not having to depend on men.

But after listening to it a couple of times I started to ponder, "What if the princess really doesn't realize that no one wants to save her? What is she honestly believes there is a prince some where out there looking for her?"

Then I worried about being that princess.

What if there is no one out there willing to climb up my hair if I'm trapped in a tall tower.

What I lose my shoe at the ball, and the prince just donates it to good will instead of trying to find me.

What if I fall asleep for 100 years and no one decides to wake me up?

Am I the only one who is worried about that?

I know I talk a lot about saving yourself, and being the leader of your own destiny, but couldn't Cinderella have just walked out? Couldn't Rapunzel have jumped out the window herself? Could Sleeping Beauty have broken her own curse?

I don't think so, that's not how fairy tales work my friends, and I would like to believe that my life resembles a fairy tale.

So I guess a girl is left to wonder, "If I was a princess trapped in a tower, had fallen asleep for 100 years, or lost my shoe at the ball; would I be worth saving?"

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Simplest Thing

Has someone ever done something that sort of surprised you?

A good surprise of course.

Like a surprise kiss, a surprise party, or a random act of kindness?

Just yesterday my friend did the nicest thing to me and it just kind of surprised me how perfect it was, not that my friends aren't extremely perfect.

The other day I started crying in one of my classes. I don't really want to bring up what it was that made me cry, but the point is I cried.

 I was with a couple of my friends.

Two of my friends tried to help by saying things like "Sweetie, whats wrong?" and "Are you ok?"

Which is totally fine and I love them so much for worrying about me.

But my friend Maria did the most fabulous thing ever.

I was crying and she just picked up her phone, which kind of made me mad, I was thinking that she just didn't care, or worse, thought I was just looking for attention.

Maria pulled out her phone and pulled up a bunch of memes and wouldn't stop showing me memes until I was fine again.

It just shows how well she knows me and I don't think I could ever thank her enough for that perfect moment.

It just proves she's a total Diamond.

So here's my new challenge for you Diamonds lets call it "The Maria Challenge"

I want you all to show your friends that you are there for them, but not in the normal way. I want you to do something super silly, but extremely thoughtful.

Say you have a best friend who loves green M&Ms, and this friend is having a bad day. I want you to do something like go to the store and get a huge bag of green M&Ms for them, something that shows you care, and that you pay attention.

It doesn't have to be huge, it just has to have thought to it.