Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"This Is MY Bubble!" & Pulling a "Derek"

Do you remember when you where in about the first grade, and every time the kid next to you put his elbow on your desk you would say, "Hey! Get out of my bubble!"

I remember being so particular about my bubble.

However once you finally leave the first grade and make you way to high school you may come to realize that there is more than one bubble per person.

There still is personal space, don't walk really closely behind someone you don't know. Unless you wan to be a fucking creep.

There is also the bubble in their heads, some people don't let people that close to them because of personal experiences.

But today I would like to talk about what I like to call "The Relationship Bubble." Which seems pretty self- explanatory, but for all of my fellows blonds out there I will explain anyways. Sometimes in a relationship peoplehave certain rules of how they want to be kept to themselves.

Probably my favorite example of this is the third wheel.We all have been a third wheel at one time or another, and if you haven't yet I promise your time will come. Now I have been a third wheel once, and let me tell you a few things to do while being a third wheel:

1. Don't try to enter in a conversation. Your whole job is to be there. Literally that is is. Just be there.

And that's about all their is to being a third wheel.

Moving on.

Another form of the relationship bubble may be how private someone wants to be about their relationship. Maybe this person doesn't want a lot of people to know. Maybe you want to pull a "Derek" and not really have anyone know until the relationship is pretty much over.

Lets talk about why pulling a "Derek" is a good thing. Personally I chose to do that because I know what I do to my friends when they get a boyfriend. I tease them. I look him up on Facebook and Twitter. I try to call him up on her phone and then hand her the phone the second he picks up so its really awkward for her. Yeah. I didn't want that to happen to me.

However I do have one friend, Jessie, and today she told my class that if she were to ever have a boyfriend she would throw her hands up in the air and say "EVERYONE LISTEN UP! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" You go Jessie.

I get Jessie's point, and I agree with it for her. However just considering the group of friends I hung out with during my time with Derek I figured keeping it on the down-low wouldn't have been such a bad idea.

So my Diamonds, I want you all to close your laptops after reading this, and realize that you have every right to define a space for yourself. Whether it be in a relationship, or when that smelly guy sits too close to you on the bus. It's all up to you.

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