Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's My One Day to be a Romantic so...

"You love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody else, you just can't win!"

I think The J. Gelis Band really hit that one on the head in their song "Love Stinks"

Now I'm not the type of person to run around on Valentines day and spit on all the happy couples, or put rubber bands over their head when they make-out in the hallways right in front of your locker.

No! I like to tell people that I am only a Romantic one day a year, and obviously it's today. Now you may consider me a romantic in general, but I disagree. Sure, I have my moments when I get all girly and lovey-dovey giggly, but every girl does.

However I have seen a lot of Internet memes that say things like "I want to find that boy who will call me up at 3 am just to tell me he is thinking about me..."

If you call me up at 3 am, you'd better be dying.

If you give me flowers I'll also probably make you carry those around all day. I'm the kind of girl who's not into the classy romantic stuff, just the silly goofy stuff like singing along yo your favorite songs in the car.

Anyways, back to The J. Gelis Band song!

They really knew what they were doing when they wrote "You just can't win!"

You can't win in love. Good luck trying.

You will always be fighting for that person, and if they are worth it, you don't stop.

If you are in love with someone, and then you just decided to drop them, I'm sorry, but you're lying to yourself, you liar.

You will never get over your first love, maybe they weren't the person you ended up with, but you will always care about the person you feel in love with that time.

And even when you are with the person you were meant for you fight for them. They will always keep you on your toes, because you would rather die than see them with someone else.

But isn't that the best part?

Even after years this person will keep you on your toes, and you learn a new thing about them everyday. You'll still be married to the same person, but they just get better every day!

SO when you find the one person you're suppose to be with lets have your song be something more a long the lines of, "If it's Love" by Train, instead of "Love Stinks."

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