Sunday, February 24, 2013

We DO Need the Tears.

About a month ago I blogged about the ideal of a perfect break up.

I'm here to tell you that I have done some personal research, and have come to the obvious conclusion that they do not exist.

I told you that Derek and I didn't have a messy break up.

Turns out if you don't have the messy break up it's just fate simply saying "Haha, yeah OK hold on for a few months then I'm gunna make you cry!"

And that's just what fate does.

I invited Derek to this thing several weeks ago, and he told me he would try to make it. Well obviously he did not come to this event. I really wasn't that mad except that he didn't text me or call me with any sort of excuse.

And since I admitted to you that I still did picture him as my "one" in the back of my mind, you can tell how this really bothered me.

Some times I still wait for him to call or text me with an excuse, but I think I already know what happened.

I think he met some one.

Some one else, a girl who goes to his school, and is super- amazing. She probably has hipster clothing and is his musical soul-mate.

I may seem mad about this, but I'm not.

I'm mostly just sad, but deep down inside I know I'm really happy for him. I'm happy that he's moved on because I know I couldn't have done it.

So Diamonds, I guess we do need the tears. We need those days where we sit in front of the sofa and watch an entire Sex and the City marathon, we need boys to come into our lives and break our hearts so that we can truly appreciate the good guys in our lives.

And when we find that special someone we'll know it's him because we'll be masters at finding the douche bags.

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