Friday, June 7, 2013

Random Kindness, And Some Good Ol' Carrie Bradshaw.

So yesterday might have been one of the best days ever.

But like, a really good unexpected.

My friend at my bus stop opened her back pack yesterday and handed me the DVD of Sex and the City. Her mother saw it and totally thought of me. which is just the sweetest thing.

Than my friend Ana on my bus got me a dress from her shopping spree simply because it reminded her of me.

I remember awhile back I made a blog post about random acts of kindness, and when things like that happen it brings me so much joy to know that these acts are happening, maybe not because of what i said, but just because of the goodness in someones heart.

However the best thing that happened was that yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the premier of Sex and the City ( the series).

Some of you may know me well enough to know I was tweeting about it all of yesterday.

However there is something I would like to clear up about the show.

I've heard lots of people tell me that they hate SATC, because they think it is the anti-feminist show. They see these women as completely unfeminist, like as if we went back fifty years ago.

I beg to disagree on behalf of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha.

Each one of these women had their own careers, and wanted a man.

Look closely at how I used the word wanted, not needed. NO woman ever needs a man. some people need to get that through their heads, you don't ever need to be in a relationship, and that's some good advice for you boys too.

Sure Carrie longed for Mr. Big, but her life moved on without him.

So maybe we are hung up on someone, and maybe we will be for a while just like Carrie, but the truth is we move on, life move on, and the world still circles around the sun.

So you can get ride of this person, and I recommend watching SATC while doing it.

on another note- Mia Rickenbach is phenominal and miraculous.

thsank you

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