Monday, October 22, 2012

No Regrets.

Today lets talk about living with no regrets.

And by talking I mean I'm going to talk and you're going to read, but when you see me tomorrow you can discuss it with me!

Do you have a bucket list? I know what you're thinking," I am a teenager! Why should I have a bucket list? I'll work on that when I an retired." But what worries me sometimes is, what if I don't live into retirement? There is a chance that you may not even make it to tomorrow. Now I'm sorry if that sounds depressing; I know it is, but seriously why would you ever want to put off the things you want to do most?

Personally, I have made some crazy and unrealistic goals for myself, hears my list so far:

1. Co-Host Anderson Live
2. Meet my favorite musical group/ artist
3. Live in New York City
4. Live in San Francisco
5. Work for CNN
6. Go to my dream college
7. Have a long happy marriage

I have many more but those are just the first seven that came to mind. I know some of them sound normal, and others don't, but that's the whole point! You have to dream big when it comes to things like this! You have to shoot for the stars! Like my friend Maddie she wants to become a Rockette, and I know she can, because she's the kind of girl who will stop at nothing to pursue her dreams.

I would also like to think I am that girl. Some one once told me, "Kid, you have no idea how bright you are, and all the things you could accomplish if you just put yourself out there." I was astounded by his words, because he was completely right. The only things stopping me in this world is myself. He actually was the person who suggested I create a blog, and every time I get one hundred more readers I mentally thank him.

Point is if he could see all that potential in me why didn't I see it in myself? This blog alone has already made me realize that putting myself out in the world will only have positive benefits.

So why don't you right now, create a quick bucket list, even if it's one thing, like "I want to meet my real father."  or something even more simple like "I want to tell my mother everyday how much she means to me."

I want to believe that when I am in heaven, or where ever we go after this life, I can look back on it and say "Yeah, I did a pretty good job..." and walk away from my life with no regrets.

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