Thursday, October 11, 2012

This Girl Is On Fire.

What come to your mind when you think of a hero?

Is it a beautiful man in a cape? Who can fly through the air and same women and children from the evil scientist? Is it a man dressed in a military uniform with a short buzz cut? Is it your mom? Or a public figure that inspires you?

My hero? I have many. My friends are my heroes, my family members are my heroes, any news reporter, firefighter, police officer, or person in the military is a hero to me.

But today I'm not going to talk about those heroes. Not because they don't deserve it, I could talk about them all day. Today however I wanted to talk about the unexpected hero, The Underdog.

I want to talk about Malala  Yousafzai. I know, you have probably never heard of her, but this girl has recently become my role model, and she's only 14 years old.

When Malala was about 11 years old she started a blog speaking out against the Taliban. She spoke out against their belief that women do not deserve a proper education. The Taliban is working on a national ban to eliminate women's education. She believes that women should have the opportunity of an education. Her blog became very popular among women and girls in her country of Pakistan.

On Tuesday October 9th 2012 Malala was riding to bus on her way to school (Yes she does go to school, she just speaks for the others who can't have an education)  When her bus was stopped by a gunman, when the gunman went into the bus he asked which one of the children was Malala. When he found out which one was her, he shot the two girl who were sitting with her. These girls are not in critical care right now, they are expected to be just fine with a full recovery.

Malala was shot directly into the head. Malala is in critical condition and got out of surgery today after they had to remove another bullet that was in her neck.

Now I don't know how you feel about this, and I don't care. This girl is a hero, she performed such a heroic act by defying these people. They had machine guns, and all she had was a computer. And boy, did she use that computer to her advantage.  This girls blog has been featured on a BBC documentary.

However I am terrified for this girls life, even if she does make it out of these surgeries. The Taliban has issued a statement saying that if they didn't kill her this time, they will kill her next time.

I chose not to let people like that scare me. And I am sure Malala feels the same way. She was brave enough to write about these opinions she had, even if she received death-threats from her Government.

I wanted to bring this girl up because she is a hero and she deserves national attention but also because it interests me that these men who are attacking her. Why are they so afraid of what a fourteen year old girl has to say? That makes you think doesn't it?

These men have guns and armies, but she has the truth, and the truth conquers all.

I hope you consider Malala a hero, and I hope she makes it through her critical condition. No educated girl deserves to go through this, just because she had an opinion.

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