Monday, October 15, 2012

Why Do We Change Ourselves?

So lets be honest, most of the people in the world, boy or girl, do not like their physical appearance 100%. We all have that one thing, our nose is crocked, our necks are too long, our legs aren't long enough, or we aren't a size zero.

And because of this we change ourselves. In small ways we wear certain clothing, wear make up,and  dye our hair. These are the simple little things that we do, which mostly boost our confidence and we usually can get a few compliments out of them.

Sadly there are drastic measures people take to try and fit in, my friend Michaela was one of those girls who used drastic measures to become beautiful. First you have to understand, Michaela was in no way fat, but she  assumed since she didn't have a boyfriend that there must be something wrong with her. Michaela took weight loss pills that were meant for obese people and she ate nothing but celery, because celery has negative calories (You burn more calories chewing it than you actually consume). She also exercised about three hours everyday. Which is not a bad thing, but considering you aren't eating anything, that is extremely dangerous.

Michaela's bad habits caught up to her, she became very sick and had to be hospitalized for four days. She was dangerously skinny, and her body was about ready to shut-down.

Now why did I just ruin your day with a very unhappy story? Because I think girls, and boys too, are held to unrealistic standards.

I'm not saying to not straighten your hair in the morning or put on make-up because I think it's wrong, I don't. I wear make up and do my hair, I'm saying don't bash on people when they don't. It's disgusting, and it doesn't make you a better person.

We should be changing our appearance because we want to, not because we feel obligated to because people are harassing us into it.

So next time you tell someone something, what ever it be try to ask yourself, "How will this make this person feel?"

Sorry if I sound like an annoying, middle-aged high school counselor, but honestly I am kind of sick of watching my friends get hurt over these things. After Michaela I didn't really want to take anymore chance. And if anyone of you ever feel like you aren't good enough, or that you aren't a super-model, just remember that you can define your own beauty.

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